Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Plant Spell Schedule

This took a bit of work, but I cut it off the newly completed list of 2,512 spells categorized. It's a Plant spell list to make any Druid drool, good or evil.
  1. Despoil, Forest Alive, Hedge of Thorns and Plant Form

  2. Defender at Hand, Enliven Tree, Grasping Mire, Green Transport, Sargasso Sea, Transmute Metal to Wood, Wreath of the Erl-King and Wretched Blight

  3. Barksteel, Blight, Bumper Crop, Enbarbed Minions, Floral Awakening, Forest Barricade, Forest Stride, Of Forest Arisen, Palm of Vines, Senzu Bean, Swamp of Regret and Wrath of the Bogman

  4. Bush Slave, Control the Floral, Death by a Thousand Pricks, Dire Abscission, Feeling Thorny, Field of Tangles, Floral Healing, Fruit of the Orchard, Greenland Express, Harvest Growth, Herbicidal Circle, Mother-in-Law's Tongue, Razor Fronds, Rosy Blackpetal Rain, Slime Wave, Unpassable Copse, Wisdom in the Wood and Zombie Creepers

  5. Animate Plant, Animate Wood, Bear Fruit, Bind the Floral, Brain Rot, Briar Patch, Conjure Plant, Entice Nymph, Evergreen, Fertile Fields, Grow Floral Familiar, Health Fruit, Husk Skin, Irrigate, Kudzu, One with the Land, Passwood, Plant Sense, Poison Spores, Poison Vines, Psilocybin Trance, Repel Wood, Shape Plant, Snarling Limb, Spiked Growth, Strangle Bush, Unseen Plow, Wall of Thorns, Wither Plant and Wood Rot

  6. Autumn Glaze, Backbiter, Bloom, Bouquet, Brambled Arms, Bud, Carpentry, Conjure Seed, Cultivate, Deadly Nightshade, Diamond Willow, Exorcise Seedling, Flower, Forget Me Not, Gather Flower Friends, Green Thumb, Grow, Hay Fever, Heal Berries, Heal Plant, Hide Path, Ivy Mantle, Jungle's Coil, Know Plant, Leech Poison, Locate Plant, Love of Nymphs, Mantle of the Forest, Nature's Guise, Pass Thistles, Pathway, Poison Thorns, Ripen, Scarecrow, Shiitake, Spike Growth, Sprout, Tanglefoot, Thistlebane, Tree Shape, Warp Timber, Well Watered, Whisper in the Wood, Wilt, Winter's Slumber, Wooden Forms, Woodland Alarm and Word of Plants

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Air Spell Schedule

I ran out a quick list to make sure I still knew how to do this. Some names will be changed to avoid copyright infringement.

  1. Control Weather, Create Air Elemental, Storm of Vengeance and Wind Walk

  2. Body of Air, Control Air Elemental, Eye of the Hurricane, Greater Whirlwind, Master of the Sky, Storm Tower and Tornado

  3. Blizzard, Breath Water, Control Winds, Downpour, Hail, Master Air, Stormrage, Summon Air Elemental, Whirlwind, Wind Tunnel, Wind Wall, Windstorm and Wings of Air

  4. Assailing Winds, Binding Winds, Blood Wind, Boreal Wind, Calm Winds, Cyclonic Blast, Deep Breath, Earth to Air, Enduring Flight, Flying Carpet, Implosion, Overcast, Predict Weather, Sandstorm, Set Sail, Sleet, Sprinkle and Walk on Air

  5. Airbubble, Capricious Zephyr, Cloudy, Cushion Fall, Darsson's Cooling Breeze, Destroy Air, Downdraft, Dust Devil, Eye of the Storm, Fire to Air, Flurry, Fog, Gas Mask, Gust, Headwind, Pressure Drop, Second Wind, Sirocco, Stolen Breath, Untrackable, Updraft, Water to Air, Weather Eye, Windbreaker and Windtaker

  6. Air Jet, Breath Easy, Carbonate, Catch a Chill, Chilly Breath, Create Air, Draft, Dry, Dust, Dusty, Ear Popping, Froth, Ground Smoke, Halt Drafts, Inflate, Kite Fly, Mist-ify, No-Smell, Perfume, Purify Air, Scent of the Banquet, Shape Air, Shape Cloud, Smells Like Rain, Smoking, Snuff, Steam, Stench, Umbrella, Waft, Whip, Whistle Up the Wind and Wind at your Back