Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Powers: Intangibility

Buy-In Cost: 6
UE Facet: Quantity
Type: Qualitative
Element: Singularity
Modifiers: CEISU+
Extra Effects: Most Attacks Ineffectual
Superiority: Barriers are Meaningless

This ability allows the user to make their body (and up to UE quantity of material) intangible. Thus the user is immune to all physical and energy attacks that are not specifically enhanced to affect him.

The user may move about at normal movement speeds regardless of barriers. Non-flying users interact with flooring in a subtle fashion, in a way they perceive as normal, but can consciously pass through these as just easily.

While user is safe from all personal life-support attacks (deriving basic support similarly to the unconscious interaction with floors), they are not protected from mental, psychological, and pretertechnic-affecting abilities. However, the user is not protected from environmental or other effects which deprive their area of those things necessary for things other than breathing.
Modifiers: Area in Effect - Based on Other Statistic - Continual in Action - Damaging - Extra Effects - Facet of UE is Unusual - Geographic Area in Effect - Hardly Used - Invisible Agency - Longer to Take Effect - Modifies Characteristic - Non-direct Effects - Offguard During Usage - Permanently On - Rangless - Self Affect Only - Tangible Agency - Uses Subject as Agency - Vulnerablility of User as Agency - Whole Subject Effected Only - Xtra Add-on Enhancement - +Superior in Effect - -Inferior in Effect

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Powers: Flying

Buy-In Cost: 4
UE Facet: Speed

Type: Movement
Element: Locus

Modifiers: CISU
User may move themselves through the air at UE speed, in whatever posture is defined by pretertechnics. For high winds; subtract velocity from UE speed. The amount the user may lift (under any circumstances) is UE quantity based on this ability's Power (plus the user's weight, of based on this ability's Power (plus the user's weight, of course), the amount they may carry (in hand) is limited by their Strength and the previous. Class II rules limit speed for heavy loads.


Buy-In Cost: 1
UE Facet: Speed
Type: Movement
Element: Locus
Modifiers: CSTU-
Inferiority: Loss in Altitude Over Distance
Like horizontal-only Airborne: Flight except for every turn, possessor loses 1 yard in altitude. Additional mechanics for gaining speed or altitude.


Buy-In Cost: 3
UE Facet: Speed
Type: Movement
Element: Locus

Modifiers: CISU-
Inferiority: Only Vertically
A vertical-only version of Airborne: Flight

Air Tread

Buy-In Cost: 3
UE Facet: Quantity
Type: Movement
Element: Locus

Modifiers: CEFIRUX-
Extra Effects: Other Things Fly Too
Inferiority: How the Speed Is Limited
Similar to Airborne: Flight, except speed is determined by form of locomotion employed by the user. UE quantity limits weight which may be carried aloft. Demonstrating how a change in facet affects flight.

Stellar Speed

Buy-In Cost: 4
UE Facet: Zipcode
Type: Movement
Element: Locus

Modifiers: EFISU+-
Extra Effects: Ability to Ignore Impediments
Superiority: Increased Quantity Transported
Inferiority: Only Works in Space
Like Airborne: Flight at incredible speeds through space only, ignoring relativity insubstantial impediments. User may move into the next UE region each action they use or maintain this ability. May transport as much as 300 pounds.

On the Wing

Buy-In Cost: 3
UE Facet: Speed

Type: Movement
Element: Locus

Modifiers: CENSTUV
Extra Non-Direct Effect: Wing Gusts

Like Airborne: Flight limited by space needed to flap wings. The wings may create some gusting which may be used for other purposes. Wings are vulnerable to attack (possessor takes this damage).

Modifiers: A
rea in Effect - Based on Other Statistic - Continual in Action - Damaging - Extra Effects - Facet of UE is Unusual - Geographic Area in Effect - Hardly Used - Invisible Agency - Longer to Take Effect - Modifies Characteristic - Non-direct Effects - Offguard During Usage - Permanently On - Rangless - Self Affect Only - Tangible Agency - Uses Subject as Agency - Vulnerablility of User as Agency - Whole Subject Effected Only - Xtra Add-on Enhancement - +Superior in Effect - -Inferior in Effect