Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Basic Melee:
Exempli Gratia

Put the Mechanix to the Test

Joined in progress...¹

Addison: No, it's my responsibility and about time I grow up and face it!

Broadway: You mean your Persona's...

Addison: Uh, right. Anyhow, that's why Chamberlain and I are going after the proclamation.

Broadway: You mean Doxley and Chamberlain.

Addison: Hey, I'm gettin' into character here. Where were we?

Elaine: My Persona isn't ready!

Broadway: Don't worry, why don't I run something short while you work on it.

Elaine: I wanted to play tonight.

Broadway: You will, maybe even your character; just sit tight. Lessee, you aren't anywhere yet, but the Circumstance smacks of an 'early confrontation,' how about at an inn?

Addison: We're pulled up outside, casing the joint.

Elaine: Where am I? François!

Fang: Sorry, I wasn't looking. Let me get you a towel.

Elaine: Why can't you spill on somebody else?

Fang: That honor is reserved for my dear sister.

Broadway: Anyway, Elaine, you'll be a notable bit player in the upcoming folderol.

Elaine: [About the spill:] Yuck.

Addison: Doxley and Chamberlain are discussing plans....

Addison [as Doxley]: Tie your horse over there; we've got to see what's going on.

Fang: Huh?

Doxley: Chamberlain?

Fang [as Chamberlain]: Here m'lord!

Doxley: We've got to get inside and get those papers!

Fang: Can't we have already had me in there to look around? I'm pretty 'country looking.'

Broadway [as the gamemaster]: No reason not to. Anything significant to report?

Chamberlain: [Tosses the gamemaster an Experience Dice to pay for a Plot Device.] Yeah, I found 'His Grace' got a room upstairs, east side, and a little company. I paid her to 'take her time' and make him come to her.

Gamemaster: (That'll cost extra.)

Elaine: (That better not be my role.)

Broadway: (On my honor, as a gentleman....)

Doxley: Good, I'll head up the trellis [Addison tosses the gamemaster an Experience Dice for his Plot Device.] and you 'mingle' with the locals and keep an eye on His Grace's men.

Chamberlain: Righty ho!

Gamemaster: Chamberlain stakes out a stool at the end of the bar, so we cut to Doxley having just discovered the room empty. What do you do?

Addison: I start to search the room thoroughly, beginning with his bedclothes [Takes out an Experience Dice...].

Gamemaster: No dice Doxley; this is a complication remember? The climax comes later.

Addison: Oh right.

Gamemaster: His Grace makes 'an entrance' mumbling something about an 'accursed wench.'

Gamemaster [as His Grace]: Doxley!

Doxley: Your Grace, fancy meeting you here; I'm not interrupting anything, am I? (I draw my rapier and we begin turn-play.)

Gamemaster: You can't perform and Action and then take a turn, Addison.

Addison: Oops; okay, on my turn I draw my rapier and wait for him to attack.

Gamemaster [Thinks a moment, then as His Grace]: Not at all, I needed to work off a little aggression and one wastrel is as good as another. So what were you doing here? (On my turn, I draw my blade and circle carefully around the bed.) You don't really think I'd leave the papers in my bed clothes, do you?

Doxley: [Bangs his forehead.] Oh, right; the coach!

His Grace: Don't be obtuse. (It's your turn, you know.)

Addison: Oh yeah; I feint high and outside, my AMIB is...a 2.

Gamemaster: His Grace's Fencing is a 13 and he rolls...8 for a DMIB of 5, he doesn't fall for the feint or lose an Action; what's your second Action?

Addison: Since I didn't use an Action either, I'll go for the heart! I get a...3.

Gamemaster: I parry...with a 4 and riposte! 1, huzzah! [Sarcasm.] Your second action?

Addison: I parry, a 6 (So close!) and riposte...a 2.

Gamemaster: Parry, MIB of 3; riposte of 4.

Fang: Argh, here we go again.

Elaine: What?

Fang: They can keep this up all night, parry/riposte, parry/riposte...

Gamemaster: Then why don't you do something about it? It's your turn, Addison.

Fang: I think I shall. [In an official tone:] After circling and continuing this exchange, the door opens; who's closest?

Gamemaster: His Grace.

Fang: [Rolls an Experience Dice for the Plot Device.] (A 3.) Ida peaks in, still expecting to 'make a little money' tonight and is surprised to see a battle.

Fang [In falsetto, as Ida]: "Your Grace!"

Elaine: (What's that?)

Fang: (Creating Detail.)

Gamemaster: (Cute, take it back as Payback, well played. As His Grace, through his teeth:) I'll be with you in a trice; get your clothes off and get on the bed.

Addison: [Smiling.] A sudden flurry of stage fencing and Doxley finds himself near the door ([Rolls an Experience Dice:] a six!).

Doxley: No need to worry m'lady, I'll deal with this bastard; you can thank me later.

Fang: Ida exits with a heartfelt sigh and a fit of the vapors.

Gamemaster: (Payback and a Keeper for Ida.) His Grace Immediately sets upon Doxley in a rage (for spoiling his evening encounter).

Addison: I back through the door saving my Actions for defending.

Gamemaster: Okay, here's a Keeper for capturing the moment, now can we get back to Mechanical play? His Grace has the Combat Advantages of 'Pressing,' 'Upper Hand,' and his Fencing is 13 (and his Reputation is 'The Best in all of Britain'). It's your turn.

Addison: Actually, I just flirted and used Backpedaling to Check one of his Combat Advantage, so it's your turn (and my fencing is 11).

His Grace: You'll pay for that Doxley! (I overcome the Backpedaling with a Lunge, a Challenge to extend my reach while leaving me 'open' for a second. Made It By 2.)

Doxley: Why should I pay for something given to me for free? (I Forfeit to dodge with a DMIB of 5 minus...2? Still a success.)

His Grace: Running away? Are you afraid to face me? (AMIB of -1, rats.)

Doxley: Oh no, Your Grace; I'd never turn my back on a viper who killed my father! (My turn, I attempt an Upset; an 7! Whoo-hoo! Telling Blow.)

Gamemaster: Not quite, His Grace isn't that easily shaken. You do Check his Impassioned. Hmm...still not a Telling Blow.

His Grace: How did you find out about that?!? (DMIB of -2, ouch.)

Doxley: You just told me. [Laughs haughtily] (What about the doorway? Won't the 'cramped quarters' still make it a Telling Blow?)

Gamemaster: Hmmm, okay. Lessee, Telling about a scar over the eye? From here [a spot above his eyebrow] to here [about mid-cheek].

Fang: That doesn't seem like 7 points of Damage.

Gamemaster: Not to his Hit Points, but now his Attractive Advantage is gone (2 points) and he gains a Vendetta against Doxley for disfiguring him (2 points).

Addison: That still doesn't add up to 7 points though.

Gamemaster: You're right; how about 1 as an infected Wound and the other 2 as Hit Points.

Elaine: (How do you get Hit Points back again?)

Fang: (Ya gotta earn Experience Dice for Development Points to recover them.)

Elaine: (They really like this Joueur play with all the points and stuff.)

Fang: [Sighs.] (You got that right.)

Gamemaster: [Noting the attentiveness of the rest of the group] His Grace rages about the disfigurement and really lays into Doxley forcing him back down the hall; cut to the Barroom. Chamberlain is at the bar; Elaine, you're someone in the crowd spoiling for a fight.

Addison: (Hey!)

Gamemaster: (Consider it Suspense.)

Elaine: (Finally!) Doesn't Chamberlain have a Reputation too?

Fang: Yep, undefeated champion of barroom brawls. [Notes dirty look from gamemaster.] Um, 'well known tough guy.'

Elaine: Okay. [Changing tones.] The tavern door bangs open and the crowd turns silent; Chamberlain feels that electric sensation of all eyes shifting to him.

Chamberlain: Barkeep: another ale (I toss a crown on the counter).

Gamemaster: The barkeeper at first looks confused at the over payment and then spots...

Elaine: Big James

Gamemaster: ...And takes it, replacing it with an ale. The crowd parts, a few tables and chair scrap on the floor.

Elaine [As 'Big James' in a hoarse growl of a voice]: I hear yer pretty tough.

Chamberlain: Yeah, but if go slow over a low fire, I might cook up real nice (I take a sip).

Elaine: When do we start initiative?

Gamemaster: There isn't any; it starts whenever you think combat is the only possibility.

Elaine: Like now?

Gamemaster: Sure, what are your two Actions?

Elaine: I walk over to Chamberlain and poke him in the back.

James: You cain't just waltz into my bar and start drinkin' without my says so...'little' John.

Gamemaster: Ooh, nice. Here's a Keeper and let's make 'Big Jim' bigger than Chamberlain.

Fang: My turn, (since Doxley told me to 'mingle' and he seems to be taking too long, I better 'occupy' His Grace's men) Chamberlain spins around backhanding Jim in the face. My Brawling is 12 and this might count as surprise; I roll a 3, my MIB is 9.

Elaine: Aw, no fair, he got a Telling Blow on the first hit.

Gamemaster: Not necessarily, all you gotta do is beat a 2 and it turns into a regular hit. Let's say that in all other ways you two are equals.

Elaine: Okay, I get an 8, from 12 is a MIB of 4.

Gamemaster: Minus 1 for being Off-Guard to his first action makes it 3, no Telling Blow.

Elaine: [Frowns] So I can't create the outcome?

Gamemaster: Heck, no. It means you don't have to, you always can if you want to; it's your character.

Elaine: Can he hit me with the ale?

Gamemaster: [Looks at Fang's shrug.] Sure, it'll cost you an Experience Dice.

Elaine: (Here you go.) [Changes tone:] Chamberlain whirls around smashing the stein of ale to pieces in James' face, bloodying his nose and splitting his lip; this does nothing to spoil Jim's features, but does snap his hair-trigger temper. (I'll get you for spilling on me!)

Addison: (Nice Detail, have a Keeper.)

Gamemaster: (You're right.) [Gives Addison one Payback.]

Elaine: (Is this for Jim or me?)

Gamemaster: (All Experience Dice go to the player, even if you're playing 'the Background.')

Addison: Who's turn is it?

Fang: Mine, I stand up and wait.

Gamemaster: For what?

Fang: Can one of His Grace's men have been sitting beside me? [Reads Broadway's expression and tosses him an Experience Die.] I position myself 'in front of' His Grace's man holding my chin out just a bit.

Gamemaster: Is that a Challenge?

Fang: Naw, let's make it a Feint; I roll a 4 MIB.

Elaine: What do I do now?

Gamemaster: Roll to see if you 'went for it.'

Elaine: I got a 2.

Fang: I dodge the Punch you throw so it hits His Grace's man with a 5.

Gamemaster: You burn a couple of points setting that up so he connects, but still dodge. Like all these movies, when His Grace's lackey turns to join combat, the whole bar simply erupts.

Elaine: Ye gads, not another 4-hour long combat.

Gamemaster: On the contrary, with this many combatants we go 'Squad Level' and lessee, there's Jim, Chamberlain, His Grace's men, the patronage of the bar, the staff, Doxley, and His Grace.

Addison: "Doxley and His Grace?"

Gamemaster: His Grace has backed you up to the top of the stairs.

Elaine: Who's turn is it?

Gamemaster: Chamberlain went last; it goes to his right. Doxley?

Elaine: No wait. Didn't I just throw a punch to Chamberlain?

Fang: Yeah, but you Forfeited to Dodge stein of ale; it goes to your right, which makes it Broadway's turn.

Gamemaster: Lessee, since the staff and patronage of the bar are pretty much mixing up with only His Grace's men and each other, I'll just call that 'background noise,' leaving His Grace.

His Grace: We've got you outnumbered Doxley, submit to the hangman and I'll see your trial is private. (I Focus on Doxley now that my rage has subsided somewhat and begin to Press the Advantage. A 4; take that!)

Doxley: The good people of this shire will always outnumber your kind. (I can't focus; His Grace's men might take a shot at me. So I Back Off; I parry with a 6 and Riposte with a...2.)

Gamemaster: Did you take off the Combat Advantage difference of 1?

Addison: No. Make that Parry, 5, and Riposte, 1.

Gamemaster: His Grace Parries with His second Action, a -7, a Catastrophic Failure. His Grace rubs his hand as His rapier clatters to the steps at Doxley's feet.

Addison: I point my rapier at His Grace's chest, I now have a significant Reach Advantage.

His Grace: Doxley, you would kill an unarmed man would you?

Doxley: (Ouch, that's my Honor Disadvantage isn't it?) No, Your Grace, that's what makes me a better man than you. (I use my foot to toss him his blade.)

Gamemaster: Nice touch; here's 2 Gimmes for putting yourself at a distinct disadvantage. Fang, it's your turn.

Fang: I haul His Grace's man offa Jim and help him up.

Gamemaster: That's mighty nice a ya.

Fang: Hey, this battle's between him and me.

Gamemaster: That being said, it's Jim's turn. What'll it be 'Big Jim?'

Elaine: I nod to Chamberlain and then after a moment, I tackle him. I roll a 19; wait, high is bad isn't it?

Gamemaster: As bad as it gets, what kind of Catastrophic Failure happens?

Elaine: [Looks expectantly at Fang. Waits.] Oh me? Umm...I miss hit completely.

Gamemaster: That'd be a regular failure, what makes it Catastrophic?

Elaine: One of His Grace's men trips me and I land at Chamberlains feet, face up?

Gamemaster: Do you scramble to your feet? [Elaine Nods.] Doxley?

Doxley: You know, (Backing Down the stairs, I roll a 4 AMIB.) you don't need to risk your life this way; you could just give me the proclamation.

His Grace: And simply throw away my life on the gallows? (DMIB 4 and a tie, but for High Ground Advantage since you've yielded the Advantage to me, I defend. I'll Press my Advantage and Focus on you with a riposte; a 2.) Opposed me and die!

Doxley: I'd give my life for my King! (Whoa, a parry at a -4 DMIB [Tosses in an Experience Die.], make that a -3 [Tosses in his last Experience Die.], make that a 2.)

Gamemaster: With 3 Advantages against you and 1 for you, that still doesn't cut it.

Addison: Okay, give me a Loaner, I can't afford another Hit. A 3, finally; and now a Riposte of...-1, sigh. I better switch to Full Defense, until I think of something. (I hope I don't live to regret this.)

Gamemaster: (You won't...I'm kidding.) His Grace continues maneuvering you down onto the tavern floor where His men are. (We need to pick up the pace, so I'm using a maneuver, per squad level, instead of Actions.) Fang, a patron throws a drunken punch your way.

Chamberlain: I really need to find a better class of establishment. (I rebuke his attack and maneuver to charge Jim.)

Elaine: Jim wipes his split lip and does that 'come and get me' thing with his hands; he sets for charge.

Addison: I can't get pulled into that brawl, I'll have to 'dig in' when I get to the landing.

Gamemaster: Who said anything about a landing? [Addison reaches for the dice bowl to get another loaner.] Just kidding, are you Cornered?

Addison: No, I have an out; three steps down to my right and I'm on the floor.

Gamemaster: Okay, His Grace follows and looks to take your position. [Rolls badly.] No dice, Fang?

Chamberlain: Rraaghh! (I charge with a...1, darn it.)

Gamemaster: Want to roll an Experience Die into that?

Fang: No.

Elaine: Can I step to the side and catch him in a headlock?

Gamemaster: If you roll well; take it as a Targeted Challenge. Make it a two-part Action.

Elaine: Okay, I roll a DMIB of 4 and an AMIB of 5; what's a head target?

Gamemaster: A 2, leaving Chamberlain a 3 MIB headlock to bust out of.

Fang: For my other Action, I don't try to 'bust out,' instead I grab Jim around the waist and start wrestling. I got a 2.

Elaine: Can I Forfeit and dodge?

Gamemaster: Not without losing your headlock. You wanna Free Action Dodge?

Elaine: Yeah, that's -2 right? I roll a 11, from12 is 1, minus 2 is –1; he's got me too.

Gamemaster: Yeah, but you've got a weight advantage, if he 'tries anything.'

Elaine: It's my turn now, right? I only Forfeited one Actions so I bull Chamberlain into the crowd hoping for collateral damage.

Gamemaster: Spend an Experience Die?

Elaine: Yeah, one of His Grace's men recognizes the wanted Chamberlain and knifes him in the back. For...[Rolls her Experience Die.] 5 points of damage.

Fang: Naw, make that [Rolls an Experience Die.] 8 points of damage, a Telling Blow!

Elaine: (You're up to something aren't you.) I thought we were using Squad Level tactics.

Gamemaster: It's fluid to keep up Tension and Suspense.

Fang: I push away 'Big Jim' [Tosses Elaine an Experience Die.] and back into a corner, the mob has turned ugly. I reach around to my side and pull back a hand full of blood.

James: Looks like the great Chamberlain ain't so 'tough' after all.

His Grace: Your man, Doxley, seems like he's in dire straits.

Doxley: John!

Chamberlain: You think you can beat me that easy? I eat bigger fish fer breakfast. (Chamberlain spits blood to one side.) You want me? I'll take yer all on! I may go down, but I ain't goin' alone, I'll take some a yers with me.

Fang: Chamberlain bellows like a rampaging bull and charges the whole crowd. I'll use a Freebie for my reputation to break the morale of the room. A 21! I knock down the whole front row (burning 2 MIB points to spread my tackle to two +5s [Burning a MIB point lets you raise the effect +5 on the UE Chart; tackle usually affects 1 person (rank 5).] effectively 11 people, still leaves me a Telling Blow on all of them).

Gamemaster: I'd say you break their morale and send most of them to rout. (Nicely played climax, have a coupla Keepers and everything back as Payback.) Doxley, His Grace seems stunned; you might wanna...

Addison: Right. I go for a Challenge; I'm gonna injure His Grace's fencing hand with a quick swipe. I roll a 3 MIB and [Grabbing a couple of Loaners.] 2 and 5 more; a 10!

Gamemaster: His fencing hand, -2 minus 2 more for the guard on the rapier leaves 6; a nasty, nearly crippling blow. His Grace drops his heirloom rapier with a 'clunque.' He hops the railing and races after his men shouting:


Gamemaster: The room is cleared of all but the serving wenches and the bartender. (Payback for those Addison.) You walk down to see how bad Chamberlain is hurt.

Fang: I'll take a Gimme for the 'flesh wound' [That's how heroes 'heal up' between scenes in an Action Adventure Genre Expectation.] and give Doxley a wry expression.

Doxley: That was your idea of keeping an eye on things?

Gamemaster: Nicely done all, a round of Keepers on me. [He passes out Experience Dice.]

Elaine: I really liked the bull charge, have one of mine Fang. [She tosses him one.]

Fang: Forgive me for spilling on you?

Elaine: Not in this lifetime.

Fang Langford

¹ To make it easier to understand when the Persona and characters are talking and when the players are talking, the dialogue has been color coded.

    Dialogue in this color happens in the first scene.

    Dialogue in this color happens during the second scene.

    Dialogue in this color happens when the two scenes combine.


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